Terms & Conditions of Generate Influencer
Model types
- Public models: Models available for everyone without buying subscription or lifetime access. User might share photos with other users. User can pay for photos with public and private credits. Public credits are given to each user for free on registration to test out the service. Public models have a watermark on generated photos.
- Private models: Models available only for user that bought either subscription or lifetime access. Each photo is unique and not shared with other users. Photos for private model can be bought only with private credits.
- Users can use public models without buying subscription or lifetime access.
- 1 private model subscription = $25/month or $200 lifetime. User gets 250 free credits per month during subscription or 2500 credits one time after purchasing lifetime subscription.
- 1 Casual, Lifestyle premium photo = 30 credits/photo
- 1 Hot, bikini, Underwear premium photo = 30 credits/photo
- 1 Naked, nude premium photo = 60 credits/photo
- 1 Prompt photo (available only for private models) = 3 credits/photo
Photo types
- Casual, Lifestyle premium
- Hot, bikini, Underwear
- Naked, nude
- Prompt photo
Payment method
Debit cards and credit cards are accepted. If you want to pay by a different method, contact us.
Delivery time
- Prompt photo = a few minutes
- Other photos = up to 72 hours
Refunds aren't possible once the photos are delivered. We don't replace prompt photos. If a premium photo (not prompt photo) has a defect like a missing finger we will replace it, in such cases contact us up to 48h after delivery.
We don't refund credits that you bought or received by platform.
Users can earn money with the affiliation link. Affiliation page can be found in Settings -> Affiliation. Users registered from your affiliation link get 200 extra public credits for free. You get 20% on every purchase made by a user registered using your link. On the affiliation page, it's visible which users were registered from your link and how much they have spent. The minimum withdrawal amount is $10, and you can withdraw through BitCoin, LiteCoin, or USDT. Cryptocurrency transaction fees are covered by your balance.
Public models' photos usage
Users can share public models photos publicly only if the watermark of the platform isn't cut out of the photo.
Email: [email protected] or Telegram: https://t.me/generateInfluencer